Home Guns Why You Can NOT Ignore 3d-Printed Guns Anymore

Why You Can NOT Ignore 3d-Printed Guns Anymore

Why You Can NOT Ignore 3d-Printed Guns Anymore

If you’re an American who cares about freedom…

And protecting YOUR freedom with guns…

Then this just might be the most important article you read this year.

Because the entire Biden regime – in lock-step with the rest of the anti-gun zealots from the D.C. Swamp – are working harder than ever to DESTROY the Second Amendment…

Rip away your rights, turn gun-owners into felons, and RAM through outright gun bans of all kinds…

But thanks to a new breakthrough that most people don’t know about… 

There’s never been a better–and more exciting time–in history to use modern technology to almost completely escape the gun-grabbers clutches and restore your inalienable rights to armed self-defense!

Here’s the story…

For the first 150 years or so of America’s history, the 2nd Amendment of our Constitution was pretty much the law of the land…

Owning a gun was a part of American life for almost everyone…

Want to buy machine guns through the mail?

Mail-Order Thompson Submachine Gun Ad from first half of the 20th century. 

No problem, you could order a Thompson Submachine Gun from a magazine ad and it was delivered to your door with no background checks or any other nonsense…

Ahh, the good old days! 

Then the influence of socialism, and the growth of centralized power in D.C. rapidly increased…

 And here we sit almost 100 years later as the federal government has been passing gun law after gun law to restrict our rights as Americans to own and use different types of firearms. 

It all started with the NFA act of 1934 which started the slippery slope of gun rights erosion in this country… 

It seems like it’s always the same story… 

They will always use an act of violence to push their agenda of disarming the public one law at a time. 

While this has been a 100 year process to get to this point it seems like they are accelerating at a rapid pace to enact more and more unconstitutional gun laws.

Just in recent weeks Biden’s Rogue ATF bypassed Congress entirely (by avoiding making any new laws) and used the power of rule-making fiat to change their minds on previous rules they had established in an underhanded attempt to make 40 Million+ responsible gun owners felons overnight with the Pistol Brace Ban. 

If or when that gets shot down in court they will try another way to infringe on our liberties. 

This brings us to the question… 

Well, this is a question I’ve been trying to solve for a long time…  

It all started back in 2013, after a mass shooting, when Obama was parading children on TV – doing his best to ban AR-15’s and pass more gun control…

If you remember, it was nearly IMPOSSIBLE to find an AR-15 at the time… they were sold out across the nation…

I had always been a gun owner, but at the time I didn’t have my first AR-15 and I couldn’t find one anywhere…

Then I discovered the SOLUTION.

And the solution is even more American than apple pie… building your own gun!

After all, when the 2nd Amendment was written, the framers of the constitution had no concept of mass production… 

Gun manufacturers simply didn’t exist at the time and the commercial industry didn’t really exist until well into the 19th century (For example, Remington Arms is said to be America’s first gun manufacturer and they weren’t founded until 1816–in a blacksmith’s shop). 

So, at the time of the writing of the 2nd Amendment, practically ALL guns were home-made!

And, most people don’t know it, but that tradition has continued to this day…

During that time in 2013 is when I discovered 80% lowers and the fact that you could, somewhat easily, build your own AR-15! 

An 80% lower is (as the name implies) simply a standard AR-15 mil-spec lower receiver – but with only about 80% of the machining work needed to complete it. Because it’s not complete, it’s legally treated as an aluminum paperweight by the ATF…

I figured out if I bought a lower that was only 80% milled out I could finish it and not have to fill out the Dangerous 4473 forms that are set up for gun confiscation. 

This was a great start and still a good solution… 

And it was the first step down the rabbit hole of homemade guns as I continue to build my own guns these days from 80% lowers… 

Of course, in recent years, as these 80% build kits have gained popularity the ATF has decided to start cracking down on the companies who make the 80% kits… 

Biden is doing his best to put 80% gun kit manufacturers out of business.

While it’s still legal we are seeing them get more and more restrictions on how they can sell these kits. I won’t be surprised if we see an outright ban in the coming years like some states have already done. 

Now, whether it’s truly enforceable or not is a different matter… but the fact remains that commercially available 80% home-build gun kits are currently under attack by regulators.

All this brought me to research the next solution… 

The answer I found was 3d-printing… 

The #1 reason is It would be almost impossible to regulate. 

In fact, because 3d-printing files are freely created and shared online by enthusiasts – the 3d-printing community even has a catchy saying for this captured by the phrase: “You Can’t Stop The Signal”.

You see, the only way the ATF can enforce a ban like an 80% ban is because they can restrict the companies who make the kits… 

On the other hand, with 3d-printed guns, there are no companies to shut down who make the 3d-files – they’re shared online free…

And banning 3d-Printers would be a hard thing to do because they are used for everyday life… it’d be like the government banning drill presses and routers to try to get rid of 80% gun builds…

In fact, you can currently buy a 3d-Printer almost anywhere for relatively cheap. They’re available all over Amazon.com for less than $200!

There are no kits for a 3d-printed gun; so you can build them from the ground up with no serialized parts. 

The more I researched 3d-printed guns, the more I realized there is a lot of misinformation about these guns and how it works. 

Until recently, 3d-printed guns were little more than a novelty…

They had a reputation for not being reliable, and for failing or breaking after a few test fires…

Plus, it used to cost as much as $20,000 to get 3D-Printers that were capable of printing gun parts…

But in just the past 5 years, all that has completely changed!

Now the technology is so good that you can 3d-print very usable, reliable guns that are essentially on par with the quality of factory firearms…

And the costs –for 3d printers and the components you need – have dropped like a rock!

The bottom line is that 3d-printing is more affordable and accessible than ever before, to anyone with a computer and internet connection.

This has made it one of the best options I can find to make your own guns the government doesn’t know about. 

In my next article, I’ll start outlining the basics of what you need to know to start 3d-printing guns…

But I’m curious what you want to know about it?

Drop me some comments below to ask me any questions you have and let me know what you want to see.


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