Home Guns Biden’s DOD TARGETS Completely Wrong Group

Biden’s DOD TARGETS Completely Wrong Group

Biden’s DOD TARGETS Completely Wrong Group

The Biden administration is simply wrong on so many things. And the scandals and controversies that surround Joe Biden and his family would make a mafia boss green with envy with how much Biden and his family have gotten away with.

But, since this is a site about firearms, we’ll stick to that subject for today’s story.

And, wow, did Biden’s Department of Defense get it completely wrong in who they are targeting on behalf of Biden’s political ambitions… I mean, efforts to combat gun violence. They couldn’t have gotten it more backwards by any definition for that word. Candace Hathaway writes,

The Department of Defense recently held a staff event discussing the “rise of far-right terrorism” in America, according to a Tuesday report by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

The DCNF revealed that the Pentagon launched a new “brown bag events” series featuring both internal and guest speakers. An email invitation obtained by the outlet appeared to invite “all” staff with the DOD’s Special Operations and Low-Intensity Conflict office, also known as the SO/LIC.

Bruce Hoffman, a professor at Georgetown University and senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, and Jacob Ware, a research fellow at the CFR, were invited by the Pentagon to discuss their book titled “God, Guns, and Sedition: Far-Right Terrorism in America.”

Hathaway continues:

“This is the first of what we hope will be a series of brown bag events featuring internal and external speakers,” it continued. “This talk, derived from the speakers’ new book, God, Guns, and Sedition (Columbia Univ. Press) discusses the rise of far-right terrorism in the United States, the impact of U.S. domestic terrorism on our foreign policy and our allies, and policy recommendations to counter far-right terrorism.”

Now, you’ll notice that “guns” is prominent in the title as they are trying to tie in gun owners with terrorism, and you’ll also notice the absolute lack of left-wing terrorism being mentioned including mass shooters who did it to push gun control (more here about that) and the lack of mention of “mostly peaceful protests” which saw people killed and billions of dollars of damage.

This book and event seem to be about nothing more than the continued push by the left to paint legal gun owners and those on the political right as the terrorists that those on the political left are much more prone to be.

It’s absurd and offensive.

The American people deserve better than the anti-Americans in the current administration.


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