Home News 1 Governor MOCKS Anti-Gunners With This Move

1 Governor MOCKS Anti-Gunners With This Move

1 Governor MOCKS Anti-Gunners With This Move

Anti-gunner politicians are (to use a teenager’s phrase) “just the worst.” That’s a pretty accurate way to describe them. After all, what other phrase would you use (in polite company) for people who selectively prosecute people based on their personal political beliefs instead of whether they actually broke the law (or didn’t, as the case may be)?

And that’s exactly what happened in the case of Mark and Patricia McCloskey in St. Louis, Missouri. You may remember the McCloskeys as the folks who, when Black Lives Matter protesters broke down the gates of their private community and were marching through the neighborhood, stood on their lawn with an AR-15 and a pistol and told the protesters to move along and stay away from their home.

The radical leftist prosecutor in the area charged the McCloskeys even though it’s clear from video of the incident that the McCloskeys were simply trying to protect their property and themselves.

Can’t have people actually being able to fight back against BLM protester, can we?

Fortunately, for the McCloskeys, the Governor of Missouri did what he said that he would do if the leftist nutcase prosecutor followed through on her stated intention of disarming the McCloskeys (which she did). Mark Walters shared the following statement from the Missouri Governor’s desk:

From the desk of Missouri Governor, Michael L. Parson:

On Friday, July 30, 2021, Governor Mike Parson granted 12 pardons and approved two
commutations pursuant to Article IV, Section 7 of the Constitution of the State of Missouri.
Official documents have been filed with the appropriate government agencies and are being sent to the individuals. Pardons:

1) Phillip Vancil 2) Roy Middleton 3) Travis Gilliland 4) Dennis Hargiss 5) Linda Floyd 6) Marlo Finner 7) Kenneth Callahan 8) John Biggs 9) Randy Huggins 10) Jeremy Murray 11) Mark McCloskey 12) Patricia McCloskey

Of course, pardoning the McCloskeys is going to infuriate anti-gunners simply because the move protected the McCloskey’s Second Amendment rights.

And, now, Mark McCloskey has done something else to make anti-gunners even more angry. From The Associated Press:

The St. Louis man who along with his wife was pardoned after waving guns at social justice demonstrators has filed a lawsuit to have the guns returned and to have fines the couple paid returned to them.

Mark McCloskey, a Republican candidate for the U.S. Senate, argued in a lawsuit filed Wednesday in St. Louis City Circuit Court that the pardon he and his wife, Patricia, received from Gov. Mike Parson nullifies all judgments and orders in the case, The Kansas City Star reported.

So, not only were the McCloskeys pardoned, but they are also demanding their property back.

Good for them. They should win that case hands down, and the prosecutor who charged them should be fired for politicizing her job duties.


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