Home News 1 State TAKES A STAND Against Biden Admin Policy

1 State TAKES A STAND Against Biden Admin Policy

1 State TAKES A STAND Against Biden Admin Policy

One of the most striking things that the current administration in the White House has done is to try to completely remove any positive exposure that children may have to firearms. They don’t want to allow anyone to talk about using firearms for protection or about gun safety (because ignorance always keeps people safer, right?), and they are trying to make sure that kids don’t get the opportunity to interact with guns in a safe way.

So, they pretend that they’re keeping children safe this way when, in reality, kids are still “learning” about guns. But all of the information these kids are getting about firearms is coming from video games, music videos, and movies, and we all know that gun use in those medias is all about fantasy and nearly never about reality.

One state, though, is fighting back against the Biden administration’s efforts to make kids ignorant and unsafe with firearms. Joseph Mackinnon writes,

The Biden administration has effectively defunded hunter education and archery programs for students across America. Rather than allow Democrats in Washington to undermine the self-sufficiency and capabilities of its youths, Wyoming has responded by committing to expanding the programs in the state.

What’s the background?

With the help of 15 Republican senators, including Sens. Mitch McConnell (Ky.), Mitt Romney (Utah), Susan Collins (Maine), Lindsay Graham (S.C.) and Lisa Murkowski (Alaska), President Joe Biden ratified the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act on June 25, 2022. This legislation provides funding for state red-flag laws, expands background checks for gun purchasers, and implements various other gun control measures.

Americans, especially in rural areas, are now waking up to the fact that the legislation is farther-reaching and more impactful than first advertised, especially when twisted to suit the purposes of the Biden administration.

Under the BSCA, schools are barred from drawing on specific federal education dollars, namely funds from the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, “for the provision to any person of a dangerous weapon … or training in the use of a dangerous weapon.”

Mackinnon continues:

Wyoming officials have taken steps to ensure that students can maintain the proud traditions and skills of their forbears.

The Cowboy State Daily reported that the Wyoming Game and Fish Department is planning to offer hunter education certification for public school teachers as soon as fall 2024.

Good for those Wyoming officials and for the people of that state. Someone needs to stand up to the lawless administration in the White House, and this is a great start. Hopefully, this will spread across the country to every state.


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