Home Guns Head Of Biden’s Gun Control Office Gives Gun Owners SIGH OF RELIEF

Head Of Biden’s Gun Control Office Gives Gun Owners SIGH OF RELIEF

Head Of Biden’s Gun Control Office Gives Gun Owners SIGH OF RELIEF

Have you ever had an incredibly stressful situation that, when one thing about it changed, you just felt such a sense of relief? Of course you have.

Maybe it was when that police car with the flashing lights behind you that you thought was going to pull you over instead passes you by and keeps going. Or maybe you were hearing rumors of layoffs at work that turned out to be overblown and you kept your job. Or maybe your newborn baby who has been crying nonstop for the last 20 minutes burped and, then, fell sound asleep on your shoulder.

Your relief in all of these situations was real and tangible.

And you may feel a similar sense of relief when you find out about who is running Joe Biden’s White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention. Larry Keane writes,

The White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention will be headed up by none other than Vice President Kamala Harris. Vice President Harris said in a statement, “The new Office of Gun Violence Prevention will play a critical role in implementing President Biden’s and my efforts to reduce violence to the fullest extent under the law, while also engaging and encouraging Congressional leaders, state and local leaders, and advocates to come together to build upon the meaningful progress that we have made to save lives.”

This new office can be added to the list of other tasks with which the vice president has been charged. That includes voting rights, the U.S. southern border, abortion, artificial intelligence, water policy, promoting child tax credits, COVID-19 vaccine education, heading the National Space Council, expanding nationwide broadband access, union labor expansion and stopping online harassment. None of those portfolios show progress.

That last sentence should give you a clue as to why Harris running this “office” is a good thing for us: She isn’t getting anything done. Nothing is happening on those other fronts, and it’s likely that she’s going to be completely and totally ineffective with gun control just like she is with everything else.

Which is exactly what those who support gun rights want. After all, if you have an office specifically for the purpose of pushing gun control, then, you want the office to be nothing more than political theater without any ability to get anything done.

With that in mind, there’s no one else that I’d rather run that office than Kamala Harris. No one at all.


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