Home Guns Black Woman DESTROYS Gun Control Arguments in Congressional Testimony

Black Woman DESTROYS Gun Control Arguments in Congressional Testimony

Black Woman DESTROYS Gun Control Arguments in Congressional Testimony

One of the most offensive things that consistently comes out of the political left (which is where the anti-2A movement is firmly planted) is how they stereotype everyone. They don’t treat anyone has an individual but treat everyone as a caricature who can’t think for themselves (when, ironically, it’s leftists who don’t seem to be able to think for themselves).

So, leftists treat men, especially those of a paler ethnic complexion, as being neanderthals looking for a fight all of the time. And leftists treat anyone who isn’t a Caucasian male as if they are automatically a victim whether anything has happened or not.

And, of course, since those on the political left like to pretend that they’re the ones who are advocates for victims, they assume that they know what’s best for everyone and that every “victimized” group will support them.

But Democrats in Congress found out the hard way that not every “victim” group agrees with leftists’ idiotic political ideologies when the black female co-owner (with her husband) of a gun store told them truths that they didn’t want to hear (hat tip to here for the lead). Larry Keane writes,

Geneva Solomon brought her story of domestic abuse survival and empowerment through exercising Second Amendment rights to the committee hearing. She also added a much-needed perspective of how important Second Amendment rights are to the African American community and how misguided gun laws, like those in California where she owns and operates Redstone Firearms – the first Black-owned brick-and-mortar firearm retailer in the state – raise roadblocks to exercising Second Amendment rights.

“My journey from victim to survivor to advocate has led me to this moment today,” explained Solomon, who is an NSSF member and also a member of the National African American Gun Association (NAAGA). “As a Black woman, this is not a matter of imagination. It was my lived experience.”

Solomon said her path to healing and protecting herself and her family made her realize, “I had to become my own first responder.”

Solomon also talked about how gun control efforts in California have made it more difficult for women and ethnic minorities to be able to arm themselves for self-protection.

The fact of the matter is that private gun ownership empowers women and ethnic minorities to protect themselves from criminals, and we should be encouraging everyone (and, maybe, especially women and ethnic minorities) to arm themselves, train with their firearms, and carry daily so that the criminals that they have to face on a regular basis start to be the ones that are scared instead of the innocent and law-abiding.

As human beings and as Americans, the right to defend yourself is one of the most basic human rights.


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