Our world keeps getting stranger and stranger. So many things are completely upside down and backwards.
Now, I know that you could probably name off a dozen or more completely backwards things about our “modern” age (I certainly can), but we’re going to stick to focusing on guns here, and, yes, there are things in our world today that are the complete opposite of what they should be.
Take, for example, the idea of governments looking out for their citizens. Now, I’m an advocate for people being able to defend themselves, so, I’m not thinking in terms of people having to depend on government for their safety.
I think that’s a terrible idea that never works (look at Chicago, Baltimore, or Washington, D.C., if you don’t believe me).
But I do think that the government should support (or, at least, not oppose) people defending themselves and their neighbors from criminals.
A mayor of one city, though, doesn’t seem to grasp that concept. Dave Urbanski writes,
Armed citizens have formed a group called the Self-Defense Brigade and have started to patrol the violent areas of Hartford, Connecticut — but the mayor reportedly isn’t thrilled with the group’s efforts.
“We are legally armed, and we are patrolling,” Cornell Lewis, founder of the Self-Defense Brigade, told WVIT-TV. “The people on Garden Street came to us and asked us for help.”
The station said Garden Street has seen its share of gun violence, including a double homicide in February, which is what prompted the push for civilian armed patrols.
Organizers told WVIT the group members legally carry as they walk around violent parts of the city.
Urbanski continued:
While organizers have argued the patrols are needed and say they plan to expand the patrols to other parts of the city, WVIT said their efforts face opposition, including from an anti-violence group and Hartford Mayor Arunan Arulampalam.
“Our community has seen so much pain and trauma, and what we need is for those who love this city to do the hard work of healing that pain,” the mayor wrote in part regarding the Self-Defense Brigade, according to the station.
The Democratic mayor added to WVIT that Hartford doesn’t need people walking the streets with guns and trying to take the law into their own hands.
The mayor wants to heal the pain without taking the knife out that is causing the wound? And the mayor doesn’t want people defending themselves because they might be taking the law into their own hands?
It sounds to me like this mayor has the cart before the horse.
The mayor needs to have the law enforced and get the criminals off of the streets so that people can be less focused on saving more lives right now and be able to help heal the pain.
But without safety, trying to heal the pain isn’t even putting a a bandage on the problem. It’s encouraging the problem to continue and more wounds to be caused.