Home Guns When Liberals SUDDENLY Become Pro Gun

When Liberals SUDDENLY Become Pro Gun

When Liberals SUDDENLY Become Pro Gun

There’s an old saying that you may have heard: “There’s no such thing as an atheist in a foxhole.” The idea behind that saying is that it’s easy to deny God until you come face-to-face with the idea that you may be meeting him in the next five minutes.

Now, whether you believe in God or not is not my point in bringing up that saying. My point is that, given a change in circumstances, people can make very radical changes to their beliefs about things.

Take, for example, the recent statements by New York City mayor Eric Adams who, up until a few months ago, said that New York City was a sanctuary city that welcomed everyone. That is, until states that had influxes of huge numbers of immigrants started sending them to New York City to have that city government put their money where their collective mouth is. It didn’t take long for them to say, essentially, “We can’t handle any more coming here. Don’t sent them!”

An abrupt about-face on that policy.

In a similar way, a group that has a long tradition of being politically liberal on many subjects is finding that many of its members have taken a sudden turn on one subject: guns. The BlazeTV Staff gives us the details:

Dave Rubin has noticed the shift in perspective.

“Do you sense that a lot of people are on that wake-up thing?” Rubin asks Emily Austin, adding, “There’s a lot of Jews like that in Long Island, and they’re just like finally, ‘Okay, maybe we should have guns, maybe we shouldn’t vote for Democrats, maybe we shouldn’t have open borders.”

As a native of New York, Austin has noticed it too.

Interesting. Once they have to deal with the consequences of the policies that they’ve been advocating (like gun control), these political liberals are deciding that maybe it makes sense for a person to actually be able to defend themselves. As Austin put it:

“Once it applies to you, you care. It’s easy to speak when you have no skin in the game.”

Imagine that. When you realize that you’re going to have to be who defends your family from attackers if they come, you start to think that, maybe, just maybe, owning a gun of your own might be a good idea.

They had their moment in a foxhole that changed their minds.

Because when a criminal is kicking in your door and seconds matter, the police are only minutes away. And too late to be able to save your life.


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