Home Guns Senator CRUSHES Biden’s Hopes With 1 Comment

Senator CRUSHES Biden’s Hopes With 1 Comment

Senator CRUSHES Biden’s Hopes With 1 Comment

Screen capture of Senator John Cornyn from YouTube video.

Joe Biden had what some would call ambitious goals when going into office two years ago (many other people would call those goals disastrous), and, to the displeasure of more and more people, Biden has been successful at pushing through some of his key agenda points in our country.

One pet agenda that he hasn’t been able to shove down the throats of Americans at this point, though, is his push for increased gun control.

And it’s no exaggeration that Biden really wants to push this gun ban through. Jack Phillips writes,

Biden has made banning such weapons part of his agenda after pushing a gun control law in Congress in June that includes provisions intended to help states keep guns out of the hands of those deemed to be a danger to themselves or others. In November, Biden said that he was “going to try to get rid of assault weapons” and that he would “start counting the votes” on whether doing so was possible before the end of the current Congress on Jan. 3, 2023.

If you believe the thoughts of a few Senators, one of which is a huge gun control supporter in Biden’s own party, though, pro-2A Americans may be able to breathe a sigh of relief. Phillips continues:

Several senators revealed this week that there aren’t enough votes for a new gun control bill amid calls from President Joe Biden to pass it during the lame-duck Congress.

“I don’t think that’s on the table,” Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas) told Fox News on Dec. 7 when he was asked about whether Democrats in the upper chamber could pass a ban. Notably, Cornyn had helped negotiate the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, which Congress passed earlier this year, although he drew considerable criticism from his own party.

Meanwhile, Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) told reporters this week that there are “probably not 60 votes” on a new gun control measure. At least 10 Republican senators would need to join Democrats in passing the bill in order to overcome the Senate filibuster.

We’re hearing from Senators from both parties that Biden’s gun control legislation is dead in the water, and, frankly, Biden must be crushed by this news with his hopes being destroyed (if his handlers aren’t keeping this information from him). Just Cornyn’s comments were enough to dash that dream.

But for everyday Americans like you and me, this is good news and worth celebrating.


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