Home News GOP Rep Introduces CONTROVERSIAL Bill That You Need To See

GOP Rep Introduces CONTROVERSIAL Bill That You Need To See

GOP Rep Introduces CONTROVERSIAL Bill That You Need To See

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The American people are getting fed up with the pathetic performance of the Biden administration. Legal gun owners (that would be you and me) are, maybe, more sick of the current administration than any other group in America due to the illegal targeting of guns and gun owners.

The most recent example of this targeting is the pistol brace rule that the ATF recently implemented (you can read more about that here). Many people are rightly calling this rule nothing more than an attempt to disarm law-abiding Americans and to strip Americans of their Second Amendment rights.

At least one Republican, though, is trying to do something to fix the problem. Mimi Nguyen Ly writes,

The new “Abolish the ATF Act” bill introduced by Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) would immediately disband the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, & Firearms (ATF) upon its enactment.

“The continued existence of the ATF is increasingly unwarranted based on their repeated actions to convert law-abiding citizens into felons. They must be stopped. My bill today would abolish the ATF once and for all,” Gaetz said on Wednesday upon introducing the new bill, H.R.374 (pdf).

Gaetz told Fox News that the “final straw” came when the Department of Justice, which oversees the ATF, on Jan. 13 announced a new rule on pistol attachments known as stabilizing braces. The new rule was also posted on the ATF’s website.

It says that gun owners could be charged with a felony if they don’t register their braced firearms with the ATF.

Good for Gaetz. This has been something that has needed to happen for quite a while.

To be frank, with Democrats controlling both the Senate and the White House, it’s pretty unlikely that this bill will actually get passed into law, so, this is largely a symbolic act on Gaetz’s part. It is a step in the right direction, though, and shows much more courage than RINOs in Congress ever show.

As we continue to work towards a return to full access to our Second Amendment rights in America (meaning no government interference with them or tracking of them), someday we’ll see the ATF dismantled, and that’s a day to look forward to.


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