Home Guns Why You Must ACT NOW To Hide Your Guns From The Government

Why You Must ACT NOW To Hide Your Guns From The Government

Why You Must ACT NOW To Hide Your Guns From The Government

There’s a joke that became fairly common a few years back among pro–2A people (that’d be you and me) in response to concerns about the government trying to confiscate firearms. The joke was that if gun confiscation was enacted, then, all of your firearms would have mysteriously disappeared in a tragic boating accident (or maybe your guns had dirt on Bill and Hillary Clinton. That would likely work, too.).

That joke is consistently funny, but the sad part about it is that anti–2A people very much want to confiscate and ban guns, and they are working hard to do exactly that (no matter what they say to try to placate those ignorant enough to believe their words about supporting the Second Amendment).

If you think that’s an exaggeration, then, you may want to read up on a recently proposed bill in Colorado. And we all know that, if anti–2A legislation passes in one state, then, another anti–2A politician somewhere else is going to try to push the exact same thing. In other words, just because this is proposed in Colorado, don’t think that they won’t try to come for your guns next. From the Colorado legislature’s web page about that bill:

The bill prohibits:

– On and after January 1, 2024, knowingly possessing or transporting an unfinished firearm frame or receiver, unless it has been imprinted with a serial number as required by federal law;

– Knowingly selling, offering to sell, transferring, or purchasing an unfinished firearm frame or receiver, unless it has been imprinted with a serial number as required by federal law;

– On and after January 1, 2024, knowingly possessing, purchasing, transporting, or receiving a firearm or frame or receiver of a firearm that is not imprinted with a serial number;

– Knowingly selling, offering to sell, or transferring a firearm or frame or receiver of a firearm that is not imprinted with a serial number; and

– Manufacturing or causing to be manufactured a firearm, or frame or receiver of a firearm; unless the manufacturer is a federally licensed firearm manufacturer.

This isn’t a joke. They are seriously trying to make sure that every gun in Colorado is registered, and it’s an open “secret” that gun registration is the first step towards gun confiscation. Just read the history of gun confiscation in other countries (which is always followed by government oppression of everyone, not just the gun owners).

So, if you’ve ever considered making your own ghost gun, you may want to jump on that idea right now and make it happen. Because you can bet that it won’t be long before anti–2A zealots in other states are going to try to register and take away your firearms, too.


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